Friday, December 30, 2011

AJ, AZ - Me, You and the Babbling Brook

Beautiful weather with temps in the 70’s, sunny and one of the last days we’ve got here in Apache Junction. Yep, you know what’s coming next - LET’S GO HIKING. Set the alarm for 6:00, have a quick breakfast and we’re off. We arrived at the trail (the donuts are eaten by now) and notice about 8 cars already there. What time do they get up? Actually, some cars are for people who are camping overnight.
After a short chat with the volunteer Ranger, we headed off .We’ve hiked the first and last parts of this loop but we’ve add a new trail in the middle. We’ve had some rain through December which was snow in the mountains and with the sun we’ve had recently there is a lot of green growth out here in the desert areas. We noticed lots of green meadows where we last saw brown withered grasses. The trail goes up first and then heads down to Boulder Creek where we wanted to take the Boulder Creek Trail.
We usually take the trail less traveled and find ourselves in the wilderness by ourselves. And, isn’t that the point? As we approached the creek bed we came through a riparian area with trees, large bushes and foot-long grasses. Certainly not what we expected in the desert of the Superstition Mountains. Ahead of us was - a couple sitting on a rock at the trail junction eating orange sections. Dressed in their hiking togs: leather boots, combo pants, nylon shirts, hats, camelback packs and poles resting on the rock. Just like us. We could have been twins.

And there was some guy wandering around the hill to the right, up and down then back up. Must be looking for the Dutchman’s mine. Right when you think you’re off the grid and away form civilization, there it is: 3 people at the trail junction. Ah, well. We had a nice chat with the couple who also backpack and do the Rim to Rim in Grand Canyon every year.
Then we were off down the creek. The last time we hiked in the Superstitions, November 30, it was bone dry and the creeks were just a jumble of rocks. We could only imagine the floods that can and have occurred in these areas. Today the creek was a clear bubbling brook tumbling over the rocks. To cross the stream, we had to choose our rocks carefully: big enough to stand on, dry and planted firmly enough to not wobble. We also had to spot the rock cairns amidst the river rocks. This was sometimes difficult. If you look closely, you can see a small cairn at the tip of Gary’s pole.
Now, we truly are away from it all, we saw no one for several hours as we walked along the creek, crossing it numerous times. It was marvelous. We sat on a ‘soft’ rock and ate while we listened to the birds signing and the brook bubbling over the rocks. Can it get any better than this? Here’s Gary sitting on a comfy rock - as if that is not a contradiction in terms
As we headed back into the more traveled area we began to see more people out enjoying the day as we were: young couples, old couples, couples with babies on their backs, families, all hiking and enjoying it. Our last hike in the Superstitions for this year and we made it a great one.
Back at our RV, we were reminded of the song on the birthday card Gary’s sister, Cathy, sent him.

        If you’re older and you know it,
        Crack your knees!
        (creak!) (creak!)

        If you’re older and you know it ,
        Creak your knees!
        (creak!) (creak!)

        If you’re older and you know it,
        And you really want to show it,
        If you’re older and you know it,
        Creak your knees!!!
        (creak!) (creak!)

That’s us all right.

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