Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Fort Dodge, IA - New Computer - Part 2

Meanwhile, up in Fort Dodge, Gary is showing his father his new computer. His father's routine is to go to Hy-Vee for a snack in the morning and Gary's plan was to arrive while he was gone adn set up the new computer, printer and monitor. 

When Lug arrived back home, Gary gave him a gift wrapped package which was the actual computer. Lug couldn’t guess what was in the package since he thought Gary was just going to present him with some ideas. As I mentioned on August 7, Lug has been having trouble seeing the print on his old computer and finding the cursor. What we have learned is that people with glaucoma have blind spots. Thus when they read a line and come to a blind spot, they have to rotate their head a bit so that they can refocus on what had been the blind spot. However, often they lose their place in a sentence and have to start over. Terribly frustrating and that’s Lug’s problem.
He wanted to buy a larger computer with software which can make the cursor larger and, rather than presenting him with some ideas on this visit and buying it the next visit, we took a huge chance and just picked one up for him. Besides, if Gary is going to help him learn a new computer and we are leaving soon, time is of the essence.

DadTestingReadingGlasses--2012-08-14-21-55.jpgAbove is Lug with his present and here is his desk with his new computer set up on it. Doesn't that look spiffy? What a nice office.

While Gary was in Fort Dodge, he also took Lug into see an optometrist who has worked with people with limited vision and she tested him for special glasses designed just for reading.

Gary spent some time with Lug on the new computer but, there is a lot to learn so, when he left, he had set Lug’s old computer back on the desk and the new computer out in the family room.

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