Sunday, February 9, 2014

San Diego, CA - Wrapping Up

My, am I ever behind. I’m writing this as if it’s Feb 7 but it’s really 2/19. We’ve been a bit busy it seems.

It’s close to our last day here in San Diego and we find ourselves trying to wrap up. We spent 2 1/2 months in Mesa and 1 month here. From now on it’s going to be more travel and less staying until we get back to Iowa in September. We visited with Marilyn and Fred for one last time and Gary put up a tennis ball for Fred so he knows exactly how far to go into his garage. He has a garage built for the cars of the 50’s but owns a car of the 2000’s. Note that Marilyn is supervising.
And, here are Fred and Marilyn looking young and vibrant. We’ve had a great time with them. They are marvelous conversationalists, have traveled everywhere ( Marilyn has been on all 7 continents - even Antarctica) and are a delight to be around. They call us ‘The Kids.’
Gary found himself making some minor repairs. Hey, Big Gar, why are you sitting in the closet?
Of course, we had our last breakfast at the Mission cafe. This time I ordered a regular breakfast with rosemary potatoes, rosemary bread and scrambled eggs. Gary ordered the banana strawberry pancakes and we shared it all. My, I’ll miss this restaurant.
We also stopped at Costco for a few things. It began as an airplane hanger owned by Howard Hughes but morphed into the very first Costco in 1976, which was called The Price Club back then. We’ve never seen this object in the Costco in Des Moines. Here I am trying out my surfing pose. And, you can tell from that pose that I've never been on a surf board in my life. 
And finally we walked the beach in San Diego.

This pomeranian loved people and stopped grinning and pawing the air in excitement long enough to pose for my picture.
Here’s Gary trying to support our travels.
We saw a father teaching his young daughter the first steps to surfing.
Looks like someone caught the wind.
I love walking the beach in San Diego.

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