Saturday, March 1, 2014

Santa Barbara, CA - Looking for the Ark

If you’re wondering about the tenses of several of the verbs in the last few blogs, that’s because we have not had phone service nor wi-fi for several days now. Thus, I’ve written several blogs on the actual day but we haven’t been able to publish them until we get into town where there is reliable wi-fi. We are in a campground north of Santa Barbara, CA. It is about 6 miles down a canyon in a beautiful valley which used to be a horse ranch. We have views like this view out of our front window. There was a fire on these hills several years ago and thus there is very little vegetation. But, the hills glow in the evening sun.
However, as most of your know, California is in the throws of a serious drought. LA had only 3” of rain last year whereas it usually has over 14”. This year began as last year had ended with sunshine, heat and a cloudless sky. However, today, all of a sudden the skies opened up and we’ve had rain for the last few days. (LA had 3.5” in just the last two days.) Not just a rain but a downpour. Actually, yesterday we did have a few breaks in the rain but today the rain began about midnight, continued all morning and did not ‘calm down’ until about 4 pm. Actually ‘calm down’ means just a steady light rain, not a misting, not a drizzle but a light rain. Below is the view out of our front window today. What happened to those beautiful buff colored hills reflecting the setting sun?

The campground is on a terraced hill and each level is about 15’ above the one below. Last night Gary had nightmares about our RV sliding down the hill into the Santa Ynez River below, pulling the RV’s in front of us along with us. Me, I just hoped there was an Ark nearby.

There was a couple staying in the Citation RV right in front of us who began the process of leaving today in the heaviest of the downpour. She was holding the umbrella over him as he unhooked. Then they hooked up the dolly to the back of the RV, she drove the car and lined up in back of the dolly. Then they just sat there in the RV - for about 30 minutes. Finally, he drove off in the RV trailing the dolly and she drove off behind him in the car.
I just hope they’re ok out on the roads. Our neighbors on this level decided to stay another week rather than drive off in this rain to Palm Springs - which is also rainy.
We’ve been working around the RV for the last two days. I’ve worked on taxes, Gary’s worked on some paperwork he’s been wanting to scan so he can toss it. We might not have planned working in the RV for two days straight but we’ve enjoyed the break and the time to relax with some other tasks we need to get done.

We weren’t so busy that we couldn’t take a walk around the campground during one of the short lulls one day and to journey down to the Stone Lodge on the second day in the rain for hot fudge sundaes. I felt sorry that the activities team had put out this great treat and no one would come in the rain. So, Gary and I sacrificed and forced ourselves to have some hot fudge and caramel on ice cream with whipped cream, nuts and cherries on top. Actually we were not alone, 2 young couples came in with their 2 daughters each and joined us.

These are the kind of days when our RV begins to grow smaller and we get to test our 41 years of marriage. As I mentioned above, we also are somewhat off the grid here. Our cell phone has only 1 bar (and that’s on a good moment), we have no TV reception (although we can go down to the adult lodge and watch TV with the rest of the bored adults) and our wi-fi is almost non-existent. We DO have our Sirius and have been using it for our news source. Otherwise, it’s Big Gar and me.

Speaking of cell phones: my brother’s birthday is Feb 29 (yep, he’s a leap year baby) and we had planned to call him to sing Happy Birthday to him - our annual tradition. However, with the scanty cell phone coverage we have, we decided to call him the next time we’re in town. Then - out of the blue, we heard our phone ring. Sure enough, it was Jack. I apologized and explained why we had not called him. He was fine, he was just calling to thank us for the card and gift.

Tomorrow, we’ll be off exploring.


  1. Glad you enjoyed the museum in Temecula--we liked it, but haven't read the Gardner books yet. Prescott has had a good winter--but only a little moisture--no snow basically. Heading next weekend for a all-school FDHS in Scottsdale at a Western bar/restaurant (Greasewood Flats) that's been sold because of the real estate value--with plans to move--been there forever

  2. Hi, Sherron,

    Greasewood flats has been sold? Well, when you can build half-million dollar homes there - I can see why.
    Have you ever been to the Maritime Museum in Santa Barbara. We thought it was one of the best and think you might also.
    We saw the John Steinbeck Center today and head into Santa Cruz tomorrow.

  3. Been to the Steinbeck several times. Loved seeing Rocinante since Travels with Charley is a favorite. Hope you make a stop at the Aquarium. Although we related to it more than you might (names and places), the Computer History Museum in Mountain View is a good one. It's just a few blocks from Googleplex where Ron worked when it was Silicon Graphics. Apple (not its original HQ) now owns the campus where I first worked and is a few blocks from our first house.
    We've missed the SB Maritime.
    You've underestimated the homes that will be built--1 to 2 million in Scottsdale is a better guess.
