Sunday, December 7, 2014

Summderdale, AL - Ticked Off

The old saying is: ‘Better be safe than sorry’. But - what about: ‘nothing ventured, nothing gained’? Which one of those contradictory adages do you believe? Hmm. Here’s our example. Last week we had a superb breakfast at, Kitty’s where everything was delicious. The biscuits were soft and hot, the cheese was melting, the veggies in my omelet were cooked and the country fries were not only flavored but had fried peppers and onions with them. Scrumptious. Now. where should we have breakfast today? Which rule should we follow? Should we be ‘better safe than sorry’ and eat at Kitty’s? Or, should we venture and gain by trying a new restaurant?

Oh, heck, let’s try something new. Isn’t that why we’re RV’ers? To see new things, to go new places, to meet new people? Isn’t that the goal? So, we checked on Yelp and read some good reviews about a restaurant close by. In fact, one couple said they drove up 20 miles from Gulf Coast to come here - meaning that they drove right by Kitty’s to get up here. Wow, it must be good.

Wrong adage. I ordered a veggie omelet with cheese, hash browns and a biscuit. The eggs were paper thin, neither the ham nor the green peppers and onions had been cooked when they were wrapped in the paper thin omelet. When you get your omelet and the cheese on top shows no signs of melting, it’s a bad sign. I realize that hash browns are not easy to cook: the insides need to be tender while the outsides need to be crispy. However, these were so thin that there were no insides, just extra crispy, wafer-thin cardboard. And, by the way, what ever did they cook those potatoes in? What kind of grease was that? Nothing that I recognize the taste of. Needless to say, we gained nothing from this venture and our next breakfast will be at Kitty’s.

But, of course my favorite pairing of contradictory adages is: Knowledge is power / Ignorance is bliss. Great.

But the title of the blog is ‘Ticked Off’. What is that all about? Well, today, Gary and I decided to walk around the park but, not on the roads but around the outside edge, through the grassy areas that might be used for expansion someday. There are several fields around the campground and we walked through those. Hiking boots, wool socks, jeans, we were pretty well covered. However, when Gary got done with his shower, he noticed a tick firmly clinging to his leg. ‘Nanc, how would you like to be a nurse?’ So, we got on the web, looked up directions for removing a tick, I got out the tweezers and put them firmly on the little bugger’s head. I pulled but the tweezers pulled away. I tried again, same result. That little bugger had a good hold on his leg. I then gave him the old heave-ho and got him - completely. I got the head and the body but was missing a leg. Oh, well, that’s not critical.

Now, we have him in a baggie in the freezer. The directions said to keep the tick should anything happen later. But Gary’s fine so we’re going to toss that little baggie.

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