Friday, March 20, 2015

Savannah, GA - Rats, it's Gnats


Gnats, no-se-ums, chiggers, midges, cetatopogonidae: I don’t care what you call these - they are much more than annoying but not quite calamitous. Are they the Georgia state bird? Maybe the Florida state bird. No, I know they're not and I don’t want to insult either Georgia or Florida by saying that they are but they are ubiquitous around this corner of America. We hear that they go away when the sun is out so we wait for that moment each day. 

Well, maybe they are not only ubiquitous in this area, they are very prevalent in southern New Hampshire also. Any time I was outside and doing some work around the yard, they would come after me and my neck soon had welts all around it.

With mosquitoes - you get a warning. You an hear the hum and swat the area where you hear them, you’ve got a chance. With these, too quiet to hear, too small to see but - WOW - they can bite. And, that’s the first time you notice them - when it’s too late. And, there you’ve got little red dots all over you. It looks as if you have measles.

I’d show you Gary’s legs where they bit him but he says that no one wants to look at a guy’s hairy legs. Well, he’s got me there. I can’t take a picture of the back of my neck - my arms don’t work that way but finally Gary acquiesced and here is a picture of the bites on his legs. Ouch.
On the other hand, here are some pictures of our campground here in Savannah - actually quite close to the city. Beautiful big sites with room to spare, a picnic table, a raised patio and a fire ring. We do not have a sewer though there are some sites that do but we do have water and 50A electricity. Would you believe that we have cable? Yeah, sure do. Amazing. But the best part are the trails. We’ve been on all of them and have really enjoyed them. On one trail is an observation tower overlooking the river and marsh in back of the campground.

This picture is out the front window of the RV. I wake up to this every day. 


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